My main worry is getting the right mix of merchandise to take and I have spent time thinking of some some different ideas. I don't want to take too much and I don't want to take too little. Creative dilemmas are tricky sometimes! In the end I have decided to take quite a range of things. Items that are all ready to go (like my cards and mirrors) and some new items that I have been making. I have created an infinity scarf from my "Fantastic Funghi" material which I am really pleased with.
I have also made some decorations in different ways. Firstly some wooden ones which I decided to paint.
Then some cut out shapes from felt which I decorated with blanket stitch and some embellishments. Then I got really creative and used my needle felting machine to create these owls. I was really pleased with these and I love their googly eyes. I haven't used my needle felting machine for ages and I had such fun!
Lastly I decided to make some pin cushions from my left over samples of fabric.
I am feeling more prepared now but need to think about pricing, labels, bags and display! Do you think I've made enough? Wish me luck!